Post-cataract surgery diplopia: aetiology, management and prevention.
Periocular implantation cysts: a late complication of ophthalmic surgery.
An unusual case of traumatic internal carotid dissection during snowboarding.
Cyclopia: from Greek antiquity to medical genetics.
Multidisciplinary management of adult orbital rhabdomyosarcoma.
Treatment of orbital haemangiopericytoma with surgery and preoperative embolization.
Oncocytic adenocarcinoma of the lacrimal gland: an unusual presentation.
Dementia on the Byzantine throne (ad 330-1453).
Lord Byron's first voyage in Greece (1810) and the neglected case of malaria.
Langerhans cell histiocytosis of the eyelid.
Different types of conjunctival papilloma presenting in the same eye.
Angioid streaks, clinical course, complications, and current therapeutic management.
Peripheral ulcerative keratitis after trabeculectomy in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.
Parosteal osteosarcoma of the orbit.
Constantin Levaditi (1874-1953): a pioneer in Immunology and Virology.
Diabetic retinopathy: an historical assessment.
The ophthalmic wound of Philip II of Macedonia (360-336 BCE).
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