migraines Causes deformation Inventory macula Corneal transplants well Retina cataract Ophthalmological surgical θεραπεία κερατόκωνου Glaucoma diagnosis fluoroangiography αποκόλληση αφιβληστριδούς myopia (nearsightedness) Θεραπευτική PRK Laser myopia (nearsightedness) keratoconus Secondlaser diabetic Femtosecond femtolasik hyperopia Retina
System for capturing images of the fundus, with or without administering contrast dye (fluorescein) for the diagnosis and treatment of retinal and macular disorders.
Ophthalmological Research Center
64, Vass. Sofias Av.6th floor
Phone number: 210 7295000
Fax: 210 3622245