deformation Inventory Eye Θεραπευτική ophthalmological tonometry symptoms πλευρική PRK complications Corneal Collagen Crosslinking Form Intracorneal rings refractive Arterial Hypertension femtolasik vitrectomy Causative Factors care Laser myopia (nearsightedness) Chronopoulos contact lens Macula ROOT θεραπεία κερατόκωνου Management
It depends on
the patient's age
the existence of pathological factors that pose a risk to vision and
the presence of other ophthalmological symptoms.
Thus, people who present ophthalmological symptoms need immediate ophthalmological examination. Those who don't have any symptoms but are in high risk of presenting an ophthalmological condition should be occasionally examined by their ophthalmologist. Finally, patients who are on medication that might affect vision, like corticosteroids, should also be examined regularly.
Sudden decrease in vision, loss or deformation of observed objects
Pain inside and around the eyes
Excessive lacrimation or eye excretions Swelling of the eyelids or eye proptosis (exophthalmic)
Flashes, bright circles around lights or perception of moving formations (spots, spiders, net, smoke etc.)
Sudden strabismus or eye drifting
Change of the color of the iris
Family history of glaucoma, retinal detachment or other hereditary or “family” eye disorders
High myopia
65 years of age and over
Some hereditary, congenital or infectious eye disorders appear in the newborn and require immediate ophthalmological examination. Some of these conditions, like congenital cataract may be treated successfully if treatment starts within the first few weeks after birth.
Risk factors for eye disorders in a newborn are:
1) Rubella (German measles) in the mother
2) Aphrodisiac or AIDS related diseases
3) Long stay in an incubator
4) Family history of retinoblastoma
5) Genetic or congenital diseases such as cataract and glaucoma
High risk newborns: Ophthalmological examination in infancy
Premature babies that spent time in the incubator and are underweight
Children with family history of retinoblastoma, congenital cataract or with genetic diseases
Rubella in the mother, aphrodisiac or AIDS related diseases
Children who do not belong in any high risk groups to present eye disorders should also be examined in the eyes by a paediatrician or the family doctor the first few days after their birth.
Every child should have visited the ophthalmologist during his or her preschool years at the latest. . Amblyopia, which is one of the most common problems during the preschool years (about 2%) can be satisfactorily corrected if it is diagnosed early. Decreased visual acuity that is found out in the clinic or during examinations performed in school requires further assessment.
During the school years, the major ophthalmological condition that affects children is refractive disorders, such as myopia that hasn't been corrected. For children that are examined once a year and don't have any symptoms or don't belong in any high risk groups for eye disorders, their ophthalmologist will determine the frequency of their visits.
All newborns should be examined by the paediatrician or the family doctor.
All babies until 6 months old should be examined by the paediatrician or the family doctor.
All children in the age of 3.5 years old should be examined by the paediatrician or the family doctor.
Yearly regular examinations during school years.
Young people under 35 have a relatively low frequency to present significant eye disorders. A routine examination should be done around 35 years of age in order to explore the possibility of glaucoma. Periodical eye exams should be repeated every two to five years.
Patients who belong in high risk groups for eye disorders, like those who suffer from diabetes, hypertension or have a family history of glaucoma should be examined every year by their ophthalmologist.
Diabetics: At least once a year from the diagnosis
Hypertensives: At least once a year from the diagnosis
People with high risk of glaucoma: every year
Everyone over 65: every two years
Every two to five years
Remember: Your ophthalmologist is the best source for responsible answers on issues related to your eyes and their health. Under no circumstances is information taken from our website intended to replace him. Seek your doctor for complete information
Ophthalmological Research Center
64, Vass. Sofias Av.6th floor
Phone number: 210 7295000
Fax: 210 3622245