ΠΟΛΥΕΣΤΙΑΚΟΙ Intracorneal rings Retina deformation Inventory Laesr Causative Factors Femtosecond cataract surgery problems Θεραπευτική macula Macula Chronopoulo options process therapy Form presbyopia περιφερική ophthalmological Chronopoulos Corneal Collagen Crosslinking myodesopsia (floaters) Causes
Normal Vision Vision with Glaucoma
Glaucoma is a serious, chronic, progressive disorder of the optic nerve and the nerve fibers of the eye, which leads to morphological damage to the optic nerve and the visual field.
It is an insidious disease, because it has no symptoms (with the exception of some types, like acute glaucoma) and when the first symptoms appear, the damage has advanced and is unfortunately irreversible.
No one should rest easy regarding glaucoma and its consequences. It is very important for all, from children to adults, to examine our eyes thoroughly, because the only way to treat loss of vision and blindness due to glaucoma is to diagnose and treat it early. There are, however, certain conditions linked to the disease, which tend to put the people who have them in higher risk.
Increased intraocular pressure (>21mmHg)) does not necessarily mean glaucoma, just as low intraocular pressure (<21mmHg) does not exclude glaucoma (normal tension glaucoma).
Learn more about Glaucoma.
Ophthalmological Research Center
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Phone number: 210 7295000
Fax: 210 3622245